Free wave prediction for a single location

single point

Svašek Hydraulics provides free wave forecasts for the next 7 days.
Forecasts are based on the global NOAA wave model. The resolution of the NOAA model is 1 degree in North-South direction and 1.25 degree in East-West direction.

You can receive these forecasts in two different ways:

    1. Submit direct

    Fill in the following fields and submit your request directly !

    E-mail: your e-mail adres
    Lat: deg. North (decimal degrees, negative is South), e.g. -1.5 for 1°30'S
    Long: deg. East (decimal degrees, negative is West), e.g. -83.33 for 83°20'W

    2. Send E-mail

    Simply send an e-mail to and fill in the subject as follows:
    waves,northern latitude,eastern longitude (e.g. "waves,53,3" for the North Sea, see also example below).

    The default model resolution used is 1 degree NS by 1.25 degree EW.

    Extra options
    If you want to receive the forecast as an attachment (.txt file), please add 'a' to the subject line, e.g. "waves,53,3,a".

Keep in mind that eastern longitude is positive and western longitude is negative, see the interactive map with co-ordinates, or choose a map from the table below.
Each blue dot in these maps represents a NOAA data point. Also a Google Earth file with all NOAA points can be downloaded,
click here for more information.

Central Asia
East Asia
North America
South America
Central Asia
East Asia
North America
South America
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Normally within a few seconds a reply mail is sent back with attached a text file which contains the forecast of the requested site for the coming 7 days.
An example of the text file can also be seen below.


Example of output file:


Given Location:                  53°00.0' N, 03°00.0' E
Start date and start time of
the used prediction file(GMT):   Mon, February 9, 2004 12:00

The prediction model used:       Global model
The nearest prediction location: 53°00.0' N, 02°30.0' E

Day Hour    Windsp Wind dir Hs      Tz      Tp      Tsea    Avg. dir Peak dir Sea dir
            [m/s]  [° N]    [m]     [s]     [s]     [s]     [° N]    [° N]    [° N]

 9  12:00   9.5    310      3.1     7.9     9.9     5.3     337      347      320
 9  15:00   8.7    304      2.9     7.8     9.8     4.8     338      348      316
 9  18:00   8.     292      2.7     7.7     9.8     4.3     338      349      309
 9  21:00   6.9    289      2.4     7.7     9.8     3.8     339      350      303
 9  24:00   6.6    275      2.2     7.8     9.8     3.5     340      350      294
 10 03:00   7.4    261      2.      7.8     9.9     3.6     339      351      282
 10 06:00   8.8    254      1.9     7.6     10.1    3.8     334      351      274
 10 09:00   10.4   253      1.8     6.9     10.3    4.      320      352      262
 10 12:00   12.    257      1.9     6.2     4.7     4.4     303      280      264
 10 15:00   12.9   266      2.      5.9     5.2     5.      296      284      271
 10 18:00   12.9   269      2.1     5.8     5.6     5.2     294      294      280
 10 21:00   12.8   280      2.2     5.9     5.9     5.6     298      294      294
 10 24:00   12.1   297      2.3     6.1     6.3     6.      306      308      299
 11 03:00   11.4   308      2.4     6.2     6.6     6.1     315      313      313
 11 06:00   10.8   315      2.4     6.3     6.7     6.      321      322      312
 11 09:00   9.8    320      2.3     6.3     6.8     5.3     327      327      315
 11 12:00   9.1    321      2.1     6.3     6.9     4.8     331      331      319
 11 15:00   8.9    324      2.      6.2     6.8     4.6     334      334      324
 11 18:00   8.4    328      1.9     6.1     6.7     4.3     336      337      327
 11 21:00   7.9    332      1.8     6.      6.5     4.      338      336      331
 11 24:00   7.4    332      1.6     5.9     6.4     3.7     340      338      333
 12 03:00   7.8    333      1.6     5.8     6.3     3.9     342      341      336
 12 06:00   7.5    340      1.5     5.7     6.2     3.8     344      343      339
 12 09:00   6.8    343      1.4     5.7     6.1     3.4     346      344      343
 12 12:00   6.     342      1.3     5.7     6.      2.9     348      346      345
 12 15:00   5.5    342      1.2     5.7     6.      2.7     350      348      347
 12 18:00   4.7    351      1.1     5.7     5.9     .       351      349
 12 21:00   2.9    358      1.      5.8     5.8     .       353      350
 12 24:00   1.6    316      .9      5.9     5.7     .       354      350
 13 03:00   2.7    280      .8      5.9     5.6     .       354      350
 13 06:00   4.     279      .7      5.9     5.6     .       354      350
 13 09:00   4.1    271      .6      5.9     5.5     .       354      350
 13 12:00   4.5    267      .6      5.8     5.3     .       353      352
 13 15:00   4.7    261      .5      5.6     5.3     .       350      352
 13 18:00   4.7    253      .5      5.4     5.2     .       345      351
 13 21:00   4.9    254      .4      5.1     5.1     .       337      350
 13 24:00   5.4    256      .4      4.4     5.      .       319      348
 14 03:00   5.2    262      .7      3.      2.7     .       277      274
 14 06:00   4.5    261      .5      3.6     3.2     .       288      272
 14 09:00   4.3    247      .4      3.7     3.4     .       293      294
 14 12:00   4.3    232      .3      3.8     3.6     .       296      296
 14 15:00   4.4    212      .3      3.8     3.7     .       295      298
 14 18:00   5.8    197      .3      3.3     3.9     .       262      309
 14 21:00   7.6    198      .8      2.6     3.1     2.6     199      198      198
 14 24:00   7.7    211      .9      3.6     3.6     3.7     202      203      203
 15 03:00   7.     218      .9      3.8     4.      3.6     206      205      206
 15 06:00   7.6    230      .9      3.8     4.1     3.7     212      210      214
 15 09:00   7.     229      .8      3.8     4.1     3.5     216      213      220
 15 12:00   7.5    224      .8      3.7     3.9     3.6     218      215      221
 15 15:00   8.6    213      .9      3.7     3.9     3.9     213      213      213
 15 18:00   9.3    237      1.1     3.9     4.1     4.      218      212      220
 15 21:00   12.8   304      1.1     3.8     4.1     3.8     267      270      270
 15 24:00   11.1   304      1.4     4.2     4.4     4.5     290      284      284
 16 03:00   9.4    291      1.5     4.5     4.8     4.7     295      292      292
 16 06:00   8.2    292      1.5     4.6     5.1     4.3     300      303      292
 16 09:00   5.8    291      1.3     4.7     5.2     3.      305      309      292
 16 12:00   4.     255      1.1     4.9     5.3     .       311      314

Data based on NOAA wave predictions

 Windsp:      Wind speed in m/s
 Wind dir:    Wind direction in ° (coming from)
 Hs:          Significant wave height in m
 Tz:          Average wave period (zero crossing period) in seconds
 Tp:          Peak period of waves in seconds
 Tsea:        Wave period of wind related part of wave field
 Avg. dir:    Average wave direction ° (coming from)
 Peak dir:    Direction of maximum wave energy in ° (coming from)
 Sea dir:     Direction of wind related part of wave field in ° (coming from)

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